Risk Management

We help our clients identify, manage and monitor key risks, incorporating a global vision.

Risk management contributes to strengthening the client’s business and achieves competitive advantage by focusing on its relevant areas.  

Our methodological approach allows us to identify and prioritize the risks of the entire organization and evaluate the adequate solution. This makes it possible to design and implement initiatives, taking into account the structure, process and technology of the organization, in line with it´s business model.

  • Risk management

    Our main objective is to understand the risks, identify their relation with the business and develop methodologies and tools, in order to minimize negative impacts and maximize the strengths and opportunities for our clients.

    We have a specialized practice in financial and nonfinancial Risk Management.  Some of the risks for which we have solutions and can assist organizations are:

    • Credit Risk Management
    • Market Risk Management
    • Liquidity Risk Management
    • Operational Risk Management
    • Reputation Risk Management
    • Compliance Risk Management
    • Strategic Risk Management
  • Risk Management Tools

    Credit risk - Credit analysis. We have developed internally a technological solution for credit risk management. It enables analyzing different scenarios, complying with current regulations and best practices.

    For this purpose, we have a specific tool for commercial, industrial and service companies (CPA FORECASTER). Additionally, we have a solution for the agricultural sector with specific features according to the type of business, be it cattle, rice or dairy, among others.

    Credit risk - Portfolio management. We have also developed a technological solution for loan portfolio monitoring. This tool allows to evaluate different scenarios, with historical and prospective visions.

    Liquidity risk. We configure and implement liquidity risk management solutions tailored to each institution’s needs. These solutions enable calculating and analyzing the institution’s current asset and liability structure according to different scenarios.

    Market risk. We have tools for calculating inputs and final outputs corresponding to Value at Risk (VaR) by Exchange Rate (FX VaR) and Value at Risk (VaR) of Interest Rate (IR VaR) using the parametric or historical simulation methods. Additionally, it generates historical information in a rolling period for its use in model backtesting.

    Operational risk. We support our clients in the selection and implementation processes of operational risk management tools.

  • Prevention of Asset Laundering and Terrorism Financing

    We support the definition and implementation of policies and procedures for anti money laundering and terrorism financing (AML), with a risk focus.

    We are also on top of the market’s best technological solutions for each organization.  We develop innovative methods to improve efficiency in know-your-customer processes and transaction monitoring. 

    Some examples of the services we can provide are:

    AML risk analysis.

    Preparation of policies and procedure manuals.

    AML audits.

    Automation of processes through software tools.


    Process redesign.

    Design of management indicators for AML

    ·    AML process outsourcing.

  • Internal Audit Services

    We contribute to the achievement of the business objectives, providing a systematic approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.

    From a risk perspective, we detect possibilities for changes in processes, adding value to your company. Our work methodology for Internal Audit projects guarantees the service’s success by conducting a series of stages:

    • Detailed knowledge of the business. 
    • Evaluation of process from a risk perspective.
    • Work plan design.
    • Execution of work program.
    • Presentation of report to the board of directors or audit committee. 
  • Fraud Prevention
    Organizations are exposed to fraud risks and, in some cases, is not managed properly in order to avoid and detect these situations. It is important to prevent fraud using tools that alert “anomalies,” by applying predictive probability models or risk maps to build scoring models. The use of these techniques have been key for fraud prevention and risk control, used in sectors such as the insurance industry, banking and public sector organizations in areas like public security, defense, health, tax collection and customs control. 


  • Authorised Economic Operator

    Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) is an international recognized certification granted by the National Customs Office (DNA). It was introduced by the World Customs Organization (WCO) for the purpose of facilitating international trade by guarantying protection of all supply chain links.

    Certification is available to the international supply chain participants, such as exporters, importers, customs brokers, and others.

    We develop a work plan to ensure compliance with the requirements for obtaining the certification. We support this with design and documentation for appropriate administrative management and a system for security risk management in the international logistics chain in which the client participates.

    We are active in the certification process, advising and facilitating the client’s relationship with the National Customs Office and other agencies.

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