Study Cases

Integración de datos en grupo empresarial del sector salud | Nuestras soluciones en acción

La herramienta del data warehouse permitió a un departamento de compras con información desperdigada ser más eficiente.

Advice to BROU Process Management on projects portfolio management

Strategy and Organizational Development | Our financial sector specialists advised Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay (BROU) on integration and management of a PMO for strategic projects.

Advice and information to assess competitiveness of remuneration at over 90 companies

Leadership and transformation of people management processes | CPA FERRERE has developed a remuneration and benefits platform for comparing remuneration and benefits at organizations in different sectors, including industry, services, education and construction, among others.

Analysis and identification of improvements for Farmashop remuneration system

Leadership and transformation of people management processes | We collaborated with Farmashop on review and redesign of its total remuneration system with a view to achieving internal fairness and external competitiveness for its different business units.

Public-private partnership projects

Corporate Finance | The most outstanding cases in which we have worked include public-private partnership projects related to road infrastructure.

Economic impact study of UPM operations in Uruguay

Economic Analysis | We support UPM in the study of the economic impact of its current operations and the expected impact of the second cellulose plant project.

Integrated control of National Port Administration fuel use

Business Technology and Digitalization

Implementation of new BROU core banking

Business Technology and Digitalization | CPA FERRERE participated in the change of BROU core banking management systems by implementing Bantotal

Smart City Roadmap

Business Technology and Digitalization

Regional services hub

Business Processes Outsourcing

Redesign of Movistar user experience

Innovation and Design Thinking